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  • Writer's pictureLeyla

Starting School

September is finally here, and whether your children are returning to their old stomping grounds or starting a new chapter in school, there's plenty to think about! If you have young children, it's never too early to begin preparing them for their school journey.

Starting school is a historic milestone for every child, but it is also a momentous occasion for parents. If you’re anything like me, you will shed a few tears as your child walks through the school gates for the first time. But with a bit of pre-planning, you can avoid some of the anxiety.

Having nurtured four children through the UK independent school process, this is what I’ve learned:

A School has a personality, just like your child.

A good school is designed to help your child become a curious and confident individual. However, it’s not “one size fits all”. Just because a school has the best academic reviews doesn’t mean it will be the best school for your child. Academics are key, but pastoral care is of equal importance.

When considering a school, look at the children on the playground. Do they seem happy? How do you respond to the administration and faculty? Are they communicative? Helpful? Does the school provide the activities and opportunities that will help your child flourish? Your child’s response to the school counts too. While you are ultimately responsible, it’s difficult to motivate a child who simply doesn’t like their school.

For most children, September will be the first formal setting they’ve experienced and it is important to try to make your child’s transition as easy as possible. Going to open days and doing a dry run of the journey to school will help to alleviate any nerves as the first day can be slightly manic with grandparents and siblings flooding into the classroom.

Again, to help your child settle, help them find their coat peg, show them where the toilets are, have a look around their classroom together pointing out things you know your child will be interested in.

Enjoy this moment! Your child is beginning to grow up. There’s only ever one first day of school. So you can cry, and take endless photographs; but leave the school gates happy. You’ve done the research, made the effort, and now it’s time to help your child fly!

No matter where your child starts his or her school journey, there are so many things you can do at home to ensure that your child is prepared and the transition is smooth:

Most of all, enjoy this precious time with your children: watching them learn and grow is one of life's greatest joys!

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