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    • Writer's pictureLeyla

    Choosing the Right Nursery for Your Child

    As a mother of four, I have been navigating my children through the highly complex British schooling system for over twenty years. This has been as much an education for myself as it has for my babies. My mission here is simple: to guide and you and your child on your shared endeavours to choose the best nursery for your child.

    Where do you even begin when thinking about choosing the best nursery for your child - and how to you ensure that your child is well-prepared when it's time to begin? Join me as I give you my full primer.

    It Starts at Home

    What I’m about to tell you next will disappoint some, but there is no getting around it. The key to your child’s success starts at home. You are their first and most important role model. There are so many outside influences affecting our children, including social media. Make certain your influence counts. Try to set the tone early by creating a positive learning environment so that it is enjoyable for your child. Play games and sing songs to teach them about their surrounding environment. These things will shape your child’s life, and our job is to make these experiences as seamless as possible. You and your children will absolutely reap the rewards of this time invested early on.

    The 'Just Right" Nursery.

    While nurseries originally operating as play groups, most have evolved into an educational setting where children will learn beneficial life skills - from reading and writing to logic training and good manners. Nursery is the foundation of your child’s education, it is important to select one that will have the positive long-term effect of improving your child’s confidence and curiosity. With a strong foundation the big bad wolf can huff and puff as much as he wants, but your child will be prepared for anything.

    The earlier a child learns to get on well with others, the better. Teaching your child how to take turns and share starts at home of course. Explain what it means to be compassionate, and the differences between right and wrong before they start nursery. It’s equally important that your child can use the toilet and wash their hands. You should encourage them to dress independently, fold their clothes and put them in a neat pile. This will be incredibly beneficial on PE days for years to come!

    Do Your Homework

    In conclusion, it is imperative to do your homework resisting all pressures and temptations to the status of the most popular establishments but with the needs of your child and family in mind.

    This is your first step into education and with a little effort this can be both enjoyable and informative for the child—and for you, too!

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